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How to get your theme on Top 15 Popular Themes at

On behalf of WordPress Nepal group, I would like to thank all the sponsors, volunteers, organizers and speakers for making WordCamp Nepal 2013 a grand success.

It was really one of my best day where I got opportunity to share my experience. Here goes my presentation. The focus of this presentation was on how to build WordPress Themes that would unfailingly make it to the Top 15 Popular Themes in
1. WordPress Theme Design
2. WordPress Theme Development
3. Some Tips and Tricks to Make your WordPress theme at Top 15 Popular Theme at
Finally there is short guide on how to join WordPress Theme Review Team

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Author: sakinshrestha

Hello. My name is Sakin Shrestha, and I am a technology entrepreneur from Nepal. I am passionate about helping this sector grow, for many reasons. The technology sector creates jobs for many young Nepalis who would otherwise migrate to foreign countries. It lets Nepali professionals develop skills for a fast-changing global workplace, and compete at a high level with anyone, anywhere in the world. If it grows, it will provide a viable career option for many young Nepalis, and help us reap the benefits of a global economy.