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Starting WordPress Theme Development

Starting WordPress Theme Development slide presented in WordPress Meetup, 27th January 2013

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Author: sakinshrestha

Hello. My name is Sakin Shrestha, and I am a technology entrepreneur from Nepal. I am passionate about helping this sector grow, for many reasons. The technology sector creates jobs for many young Nepalis who would otherwise migrate to foreign countries. It lets Nepali professionals develop skills for a fast-changing global workplace, and compete at a high level with anyone, anywhere in the world. If it grows, it will provide a viable career option for many young Nepalis, and help us reap the benefits of a global economy.

7 thoughts on “Starting WordPress Theme Development

  1. Nice presentation. But i wonder how affective it would be to customize WP themes when WP sites are hacked almost every day by hackers. Such cutomized themes would be easier for sophisticated hackers to penetrate through to server.

  2. Hello Sakin, I am new to wordpress theme developer. I just want to start from basic. Can you give me suggestion. Please guide me.

  3. Hello Janki, The best way to start from basic will be look at various free themes in WordPress Theme Repository. Then see how they are developing it and try to customize it. The 1st Approached that I have mentioned in slide. Then later you can use Stater theme and develop the theme.

  4. sakinshrestha says:

    Hello Janki, The best way to start from basic will be look at various
    free themes in WordPress Theme Repository. Then see how they are
    developing it and try to customize it. The 1st Approached that I have
    mentioned in slide. Then later you can use Stater theme and develop the

  5. Hello Mr. Sakin,
    I have seen your works. Its awesome. Well, I am thinking to build my own blog. I want to customize my sites by my own. How can I do that? Do I need to build a theme? I look forward to hear from you.

  6. You don’t need to build theme. You can install free theme or if you need advance options then you can buy Pro/Premium themes. There you will get lot of customization options. So, you don’t need to build theme.

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