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H2O Car – Water Powered Car

It’s too good to be true. It is like our imagination come into reality. Can you believe that the car running with the bottle of water for an hour at the speed of 80 kms for an hour? If you don’t believe it, then watch this video report from REUTERS about the innovation from the Japanese Company GENEPAX that unveils the echo friendly vehicle in OSAKA.

Facts about H20 Car – Water Powered Car:

  • Cars that can run with water (H2O)
  • Your car will run as long as you have bottle of water to add on time to time.
  • Any kinds of water, rain or sea, even tea works
  • According to GENEPAX, “A liter of water will keep the car running at the speed of 80 kms for round an hour”

This is a good alternative to the soaring oil price and growing pollution. As it uses water (H2O) as an alternative to oil and its echo friendly vehicle.

Watch The Video by REUTERS on

Sources: REUTERS Report on Youtube, GENEPAX

Great Innovation.


– Sakin

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Author: sakinshrestha

Hello. My name is Sakin Shrestha, and I am a technology entrepreneur from Nepal. I am passionate about helping this sector grow, for many reasons. The technology sector creates jobs for many young Nepalis who would otherwise migrate to foreign countries. It lets Nepali professionals develop skills for a fast-changing global workplace, and compete at a high level with anyone, anywhere in the world. If it grows, it will provide a viable career option for many young Nepalis, and help us reap the benefits of a global economy.

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